Python 1.1.0 Help

Library Installation and Importing


Now that you know the basics of syntax, I'll introduce the core of Python's functionality, Libraries!

Lesson Two


Python's import syntax, is, as usual, amazingly simple, with only a few keystrokes you can gain access to a vast quantity of functions and utilities.

Library Installation

Included with your Python installation came a command line tool called pip. Pip stands for "pip Install Packages" and helps to install libraries for use within your Python project. These packages are installed from a collection called Pypi, packages and their descriptions can be found on Pypi's website. ( Pip can be utilized for installation using the terminal on your computer, you can simply type:

pip install <LIBRARY_NAME>

Some Python projects you may find online (And all included with this program) will include a requirements.txt file, this file contains information pip uses to install the correct packages for the functions within the project to run properly. To utilize this file, simply locate where your requirements file is on your computer, and run a simple command:

pip install -r <PATH_TO_REQUIREMENTS/requirements.txt>


When importing a Python library you have a few options, a Python library is typically a collection of functions, you can choose to import the entire library including all the functions within, or you can choose specific functions to import:

  1. Importing the entire Library and all of the included functionality

import math
  1. Importing only a specific function (In this case the function for square rooting)

    Now when we call the function from the math library, we use sqrt() without math. included in the call, however this also means that we now only have access to the sqrt function from the math library

from math import sqrt
  1. Importing the library under a different label

    This means that instead of using a function like this: math.sqrt(), you now call is like this: mt.sqrt()

import math as mt
  1. Combining the label and specific function

from math import sqrt as st

Open-Ended Question


Write a function that takes in a, b, and c values and preforms quadratic formula and returns the y-intercepts of the function
Quadratic formula can be found here Formula

Last modified: 25 May 2024